What Should SMBs Do About Cybersecurity Right Now?

Cybersecurity has emerged as a critical concern for businesses of all sizes, including small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). While SMBs may assume that cyber threats primarily target larger corporations, the reality is that cyberattacks pose a significant risk to their operations. 

So, what can a cyberattack actually do to your business? 

What Damage Can a Cyberattack Cause? 

Cyberattacks can have severe consequences for small businesses, putting their finances, data, and IT infrastructure in jeopardy. When a hacker gains unauthorized access to your network, they can exploit the following vulnerabilities: 

  1. Access to Customer Lists: A breach can compromise sensitive customer data, eroding trust and damaging your reputation. 
  2. Customer Credit Card Information: The theft of such data can result in financial losses and legal liabilities. 
  3. Company’s Banking Details: Unauthorized access to your financial information can lead to fraudulent transactions and financial losses. 
  4. Intellectual Property: Hackers can pilfer your pricing structure, product designs, business growth plans, and manufacturing processes, undermining your competitive advantage. 

Moreover, cyberattacks can have a cascading effect on the supply chains of interconnected businesses, potentially impacting other companies. 

The Impact of Cyberattacks on SMBs 

The consequences of a cyberattack on a small business can be devastating. In fact, statistics show that 60% of SMBs that fall victim to a cyberattack shut down within six months of the breach. However, even if a business survives, it may still endure: 

  1. Financial Losses: Cybercriminals can steal banking information and disrupt business operations, resulting in financial setbacks. 
  2. High Cleanup Costs: Eliminating threats and securing your network can be costly, straining your resources. 
  3. Reputation Damage: Informing customers of a security breach can tarnish your reputation, leading to a loss of trust. 

What's Your Cybersecurity Readiness Score?

Take our cybersecurity quiz and see where your cybersecurity ranks. 

10 Cybersecurity Tips for Small and Medium Businesses 

Despite the ever-evolving threat landscape, small businesses can take proactive measures to protect themselves. Here are some essential cybersecurity tips for SMBs:

1. Train Every Employee

Employees can inadvertently expose your business to cyber threats. Invest in cybersecurity training to educate your staff on best practices, strong password usage, and how to spot phishing emails. Establish clear data handling policies.

2. Perform a Risk Assessment

Performing a comprehensive risk assessment can reveal vulnerabilities in your business’s cybersecurity posture. For instance, you might discover that customer data is stored in an inadequately protected server. By addressing this vulnerability promptly, such as implementing encryption or access controls, you reduce the risk of data breaches and legal repercussions.

3. Deploy Antivirus Software

Antivirus software acts as a safeguard against malware. Suppose an employee unintentionally downloads a malicious attachment from an email. The antivirus software scans and detects the malware, preventing it from infecting the entire network. Regular updates ensure the software is equipped to recognize new threats, offering robust protection.

4. Install Software Updates from the Developer

Failing to update software leaves vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit. Consider a scenario where a small business neglects to update its operating system, and hackers discover a known vulnerability. By exploiting this weakness, cybercriminals gain unauthorized access to the network. Regular software updates would have patched this vulnerability, preventing the breach.

5. Have a Data Backup Plan, and Test It

Suppose your business falls victim to a ransomware attack that encrypts critical data. Without backups, you might be forced to pay a ransom or lose essential information. However, with automated data backups in place, you can restore your systems and data to a pre-attack state, rendering the ransom demand ineffective and minimizing downtime.

6. Encrypt Sensitive Information (for Employees and Customers)

What happens if a cybercriminal gains access to a laptop containing sensitive customer credit card data? Without encryption, the hacker can easily access this information. However, if the data is encrypted, it becomes unreadable without the encryption key. Thus, even if the laptop is stolen, the data remains secure, protecting your customers and your business.

7. Create a Strong Password Policy

An employee’s weak password might be easily cracked through brute force or dictionary attacks. By enforcing strong password policies with complex combinations of characters, you mitigate the risk of unauthorized access. Regular password changes and using multi-factor authentication (MFA) provide an additional layer of security.

8. Install a Firewall

Firewalls act as gatekeepers, blocking unauthorized access and malicious traffic. In a hypothetical situation, a cybercriminal attempts to gain access to your network by exploiting a vulnerable service. A firewall, if configured correctly, would detect and block this unauthorized access attempt, preventing potential data breaches.

9. Don’t Neglect Mobile Devices

Consider an employee’s mobile device that contains sensitive business emails and data. If the device is lost or stolen and lacks security measures, a cybercriminal could access and misuse the information. However, with password protection, encryption, and remote wipe capabilities, you can ensure that even if a device falls into the wrong hands, your data remains inaccessible and secure.

10. Make Sure Your Partners Are Secure

When collaborating with partners or suppliers, their security practices directly impact your business. Imagine a supplier with weak cybersecurity measures experiences a data breach that compromises your shared data. By regularly assessing and ensuring your partners follow security best practices, you reduce the risk of data exposure and maintain trust with your customers. 

Cybersecurity is not a luxury but a necessity for small businesses. By taking proactive steps and prioritizing security, SMBs can significantly reduce their vulnerability to cyber threats, safeguard their operations, and protect their reputation in an increasingly connected world. 

Ready to discuss how to secure your network? Reach out to us to get started.

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