What is backup?

What exactly is backup, anyway?

Let me sum it up for you:

Video transcription

So what is backup?

Well, I’m intentionally separating backup and DR and I do that for all of my clients.

DR products generally don’t keep data that long. DR products keep data for a shorter amount of time.

Backup is most often thought of as the retention that you need. Some clients need 7 years to infinity, some clients need 2 weeks to 4 weeks.

And backup is your last line of defense. Against what you might say, well against data loss. Against loss of the thing that runs your business. Every business wants to continue to produce and something like a catastrophic data loss would be – and I promise you this isn’t fear, uncertainty and doubt – but something like a catastrophic data loss would be preventative to your ability to produce in most cases.

Most of our clients are so tethered to their IT systems. So, putting the capital into the backup solution that it really needs is critical today; more than ever. And putting the capital into a backup solution that will allow for some automation, to reduce the need for human intervention and to get data offsite, adds additional protection to your business.

I’d love to talk to you more about a backup solution to your business.

Remember: backup is your last line of defense, it’s your support pole; your business doesn’t function without it.


Questions or comments? Please provide in the comment section below and/or contact me. If you want to know more about how a backup solution could assist your business goals, give us a call at 844.77.SMART (76278).

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